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Colon Cleanser


This herbal powder is obtained from indegenous for colon health.

It is contains plant nutrients that help cleanse the colon, improve digestive system and promote overall health.


Why do you need this product/why do you need to cleanse your colon

A healthy colon is essential to an efficiently working digestive system and overall good health. When one segment of the digestive system isn’t working correctly, it can interfere with the overall process of breaking down food and removing waste from the body, which can lead to body system dis-ease.
After eating, the body absorbs nutrients and calories as the food moves through the colons. Leftover waste material, which is mostly liquid, then travels to the colon.
But due to our dietary lifestyle (eating junk, excess sugar and fat) hinder this natural process..
Then instead of the waste to be expell, the waste buildup which produces toxins that enter the blood and may be slowly poisoning the system, contributing to a variety of symptoms (fatigue, bloating, irritated skin and weight gain) and health problems, from depression and allergies to arthritis and cancer.

Therefore Cleansing the colon twice in 14 days help the colon to expell this toxin from the body and return the system to optimum stage.

When you cleanse your colon you prevent thousands of diseases

Other benefits of this product include:

Weight lose

Enhance the immunity

Remove toxin from the body system

Reducing the risk of colon cancer

Stops body odour caused by a congested colon.

Stops constipation and promotes good bowel movements.

You can use this herbs for patients as a cleanse before treatment of diet-related conditions (such a diabetes, colon cancer, constipation etc)

This herb has a purgative effect, so use when you will be at home.. After the purge, take a lot of water and fruits or vegetables juices before taking regular meals.


Children: A Teaspoon with pap or warm water for above 5yrs and below 14yrs

Adult: 1 tablespoon with pap or warm water

Use with warm water


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