We offer a one on one discussion for diagnostic studies to obtain accurate diagnosis to assist healing or other service that may be neede
- Qualified Staff of Doctors
- 24×7 Services
- Medical Counseling

Physical therapy
It involves physical manipulation to treat musculoskeletal pain and disability; it includes manipulation of muscles, joint mobilization and joint manipulation.
- Pain Management
- Gait Adjustment
- Mechanical Functions Recovery

Bone Setting
It involves the manipulation of bone to correct disorders or restoring broken bones to full functionality such as bone fracture /trauma, bone dislocation and bone degeneration
- Professionally Restored

Stroke Rehabilitation
This involves helping our clients achieve the highest level of function, independence, and quality of life possible. The overall goal is to help you get your abilities back and regain independence.
- Speedy Recovery

Chiropractic Care
Our Chiropractic care involves assessing, diagnosing and treatment of spine conditions and diseases. Such as Cervical spondylosis, Lumbar spondylosis, Degenerative Disc, Disc herniation / Bulging Disc, Whiplash, Sciatica etc
- Accurate Non Invasive Technique

Herbal Treatment
We use a holistic way to reverse and prevent chronic diseases (like fibroid, cancer, kidney and liver problems, infertility and infectious diseases) by addressing physical, mental, and emotional circumstances. Treatments include herbal medicine, vitamins, minerals, lifestyle changes and individualised diet plans.
- Effective herbal drugs
- Non Toxic
- No Side Effect
About Us
We deliver a high level of wellness and healthy services to as many as possible by seeking for individual patient’s health needs rather than generalize our approach, we combine nutritional support with healthy lifestyle changes in our treatment routine. Our aim is to make health available, affordable for all and promote/restore health function.
Patient Testimony
My mum had a backpain that she can’t stand well or walk too much, we have done many test in government hospitals that signify nothing was wrong with her and she was placed on some pain reliever drugs but still she does not improve and we have to go to a private hospital which they request for an xray of the back and the test said it is a lumbar spondylosis and they said she will have to do surgery because the case is severe but my mum insist she’s not doing surgery. In a nutshell her brother introduced us to Dr Tobiloba that he a specialist in spine that we should give him a trial.. Dr Tobiloba requested for the test we did after checking it he told us to do MRI, the MRI shows that my mum has herniated disc and lumbar spondylosis. After that Dr Tobiloba take over my mum case and to God be the glory my mum could stand well, and walk well after 2month therapy. Dr Tobiloba is our God sent angel 😇.