…… Many people consider type 2 diabetes to be a chronic and progressive disease. This promotes the idea that type 2 diabetes is a one-way street, a life sentence with no possibility of parole: the disease continually gets worse until you eventually require insulin injections.

But this is actually a great big lie, which is excellent news for anyone who has been diagnosed with prediabetes or type 2 diabetes. Recognizing the fallacy of this belief is the crucial first step in reversing this deadly disease.

Actually, most people already instinctively recognize this. It’s ridiculously easy to prove that type 2 diabetes is almost always reversible.

Suppose you have a friend who is diagnosed with type 2 diabetes,
meaning the level of glucose in his blood is continuously above normal levels. He works hard to lose 50 pounds, which enables him to stop taking his glucose-lowering medications because the levels in his blood are now normal. What would you say to him?Probably something like

“Great job. You’re really taking care of yourself. Keep it up!”

What you wouldn’t say is something like

“You’re such a liar. My doctor says or people say this is a chronic and progressive disease so you must be lying.”

But what you need to know is, It seems perfectly obvious that diabetes reversed because your friend lost all that weight. And that’s the point: type 2 diabetes is a reversible disease.

We’ve intuitively sensed this truth all along. But only diet and lifestyle changes—not medications alone—will reverse this disease, simply because type 2 diabetes is largely a dietary disease.

The most important determinant is dietary intake and weight loss. Most of the medications used to treat type 2 diabetes do not cause weight loss. Quite the contrary. Insulin, for example, is notorious for causing weight gain. Once patients start on insulin injections for type 2 diabetes, they often sense they are heading down the wrong path.

Without good dietary habits and weight loss, Medication alone cannot reverse diabetes type 2 which is the reason most people think type 2 diabetes is chronic and progressive. DIABETES IS A DIETARY DISEASE DRUG ALONE CAN’T CURE A DIETARY DISEASE.

At its very core, type 2 diabetes can be understood as a disease caused by too much insulin, which our bodies secrete when we eat too much sugar. The aim is to lower our insulin levels by reducing our dietary intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates (a form of sugar).

Imagine your body as a big sugar bowl. At birth, the bowl is empty. Over several decades, you eat sugar and refined carbohydrates and the bowl gradually fills up. When you eat again, sugar comes in and spills over the sides of the bowl because the bowl is already full.

The same situation exists in your body. When you eat sugar, your body secretes the hormone insulin to help move the sugar into your cells, where it’s used for energy. If you don’t burn off that sugar sufficiently, then over decades your cells become completely filled and cannot handle any more. The next time you eat sugar, insulin cannot force any more of it into your overflowing cells, so it spills out into the blood (sugar travels in your blood in a form called glucose), and having too much of it is a primary symptom of type 2 diabetes.

When there’s too much glucose in the blood, insulin does not appear to be doing its usual job of moving the sugar into the cells. We then say that the body has become insulin resistant, but it’s not truly insulin’s fault.

The primary problem is that the cells are overflowing with glucose. The high blood glucose is only part of the issue. Not only is there too much glucose in the blood, there’s too much glucose in all of the cells.
In response to excess glucose in the blood, the body secretes even more insulin to overcome this resistance. This forces more glucose into the overflowing cells to keep blood levels normal. This works, but the
effect is only temporary because it has not addressed the problem of excess sugar; it has only moved the excess from the blood to the cells, making insulin resistance worse. At some point, even with more insulin, the body cannot force any more glucose into the cells.

But what do you think will happen if this excess sugar in the cells is been remove.

  1. It will make the cells sensitive to glucose
  2. Glucose in the bloodstream will be carried to the cells by insulin

But how can this happen?

The first thing to do is to control your diet.

The second is to lose some weight by starving the cells with sugar, and lastly medications (check our our products for diabetes liquid and capsule https://akoladeclinic.com.ng/shop/) that will reduce the glucose level and regulate the insulin level.

With this protocol diabetes type 2 can be reversed.

For more information on diabetes type 2 reversal, how to experience our natural approach to diabetes reversal, and join others in giving testimonies. Contact us https://akoladeclinic.com.ng/contact/