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Common Bone injuries are usually fractures or dislocation. There are two types of fractures: Open fracture and Closed fracture .
A Closed fracture is a break in a bone which does not pierce the skin. There may be swelling at the break and severe pain when that part of the body is moved.
A Open fracture is a break in which the bone usually pushes through the skin. This type of fracture is serious since the splinter of bone may cut vital organs, arteries, veins, muscle or tendons, and the skin break may result in infection.
First Aid for Fractures: The victim should never be moved unless absolutely necessary, and then only after the broken bone has been attended to. If the patient has to be moved, the injured limb should first be well padded and tightly bound with splints.
Emergency splints can be made from flat pieces of wood, heavy cardboard, even umbrellas. The splint should be as wide as the broken limb and long enough to prevent the movement of the nearest joint . Splints can be held in place by a belt, scarf or handkerchief.
If the break is a opened fracture, the break in the skin should be treated with an antiseptic and covered with a sterile dressing or bandage. Arterial bleeding should be controlled by pressure on the proper pressure point.
Dislocation: When a bone is out of place at a joint, the joint appears out of shape and swollen.There is intense pain and movement is limited. Only dislocation of the fingers or the lower jaw should be treated by a first aider. For other site of dislocation splint it is best to avoid any movement and seek medical support immediately.
A dislocated finger may be treated as follows: while facing the patient, the first-aider should pull the injured finger forward with one hand, and with the thumb and forefinger of the other hand he should press on the dislocated joint until the bone slips into place. Pain may be relieved by applying cold compresses

For fracture and dislocation treatment, you can Contact us!

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