A poison is any substance that is harmful to your body. It can be taken internally, inhaling, injecting, or absorb through the skin. Also some substance can be poisonous if taken too much. The effects of poisoning range from short-term illness to brain damage, coma, and sometimes death. Most Poisoning happen by accident. To prevent poisoning it is important to use and store products exactly as their labels say and keep dangerous products where children can’t get to them. First aid for poisoning depends on the type of poison. This article will consider poison by ingestion (taken orally)
Poisons taken internally require immediate first aid to save the victim’s life, and fast medical aid is vital. Most time it is advisable to remove the poison if possible by giving the victim an emetic to make him vomit, until the fluid expelled from his stomach is clear. A glass of warm water containing a tablespoonful of salt or a teaspoonful of dry mustard, soapsuds, or a solution of baking soda are good emetics. If the emetic does not him vomit, put your finger down his throat until he does (then take to the nearest hospital for proper treatment).
Note: Do not attempt to induce vomiting if the victim’s lips, mouth and tongues appear stained or burned.
Natural antidote for poison:
It’s important for every household to have a home made antidote to use in case of emergency before taken the victim to hospital. Here is a home antidote you can make at home:
Get Allium ascalonicum (Alubosa Elewe) and palm kernel oil. Pound the Allium ascalonicum and mix with palm kernel oil. A tablespoonful for children or/and Two tablespoonful for adult can be given as a first aid for internal poison.
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